Full Bios

Gryphon Fledgling
*coming soon*

Silent Pages
Age: 17
What she writes: Mostly fantasy and scifi, mostly novels/series, but some short stories.
Specialty: Writing lots of words in a very short span of time.
Superpower: An uncanny ability to predict things in movies and books.

With several novel rough drafts under her belt and too many ideas in her head, Silent is a plotter by nature and a proud long-time participant of NaNoWriMo. She's working on several series in various stages of writing and revision. Unfortunately, she's also a procrastinator by nature, and there's a lot of manga available to read online... Writing and reading are her life, drawing is her distraction, and pretty much everything else is an afterthought.

Her writing blog: www.probloguewriter.blogspot.com
Tumblr (shared by her and her characters): http://thesilentpages.tumblr.com/
Twitter: @silent_pages
Contact her at thesilentpages@hotmail.com

Rosey Unicorn
Rosey loves one character a bit too much, and has stuck with that story almost exclusively since she started writing. She has, however, made a few side tracks to explore something she can't manage to stuff in two empires' worth of magic systems and political plots. But if a character is really demanding, she'll go off and give them a world to play in, too. Rosey's motto is frequently, "When in doubt, research!", but making stuff up is just as fun. She likes analyzing plots in her spare time, and when there is no plot available, other things (up to and including just about everything) go under her microscope.

Twit lives by the seaside, dreams of flying horses, and listens to music far too loudly. Instead of cultivating a social life, she makes doodles in the margins of her notebooks and writes obsessively about a human/something hybrid that is often called the Raven and sometimes Shadow Tattybogle.

Twit knows she probably should enjoy walking her dog along the beach, but any exercise other than nail-biting does stressful things to her heart, and not being a Timelord and blessed with a double respiratory bypass system, she believes in keeping the one heart she has intact and busy doing more important things. Like writing that action scene in the next Nobel Prize winner or watching Supernatural all night.